Wednesday 10 August 2011

Always Hire A Good Attorney Who Have Experience handling Bankruptcy Cases

While you’re going through this blog, we are going to share important information with you on how to select a good bankruptcy attorney.
Whatever it could be which directed you to the situation where you are left with no option in terms of repairing your lost credit again. You have been declared bankrupt and run out of money. Neither can you avail low interest personal loans or small business loans. You are also not eligible to get instant auto loans or any easy pay day loans, which may have come to your rescue. Only you can do is to avail services from some good lawyers who are experienced enough to handle the bankruptcy cases well.
While being on a lookout for best attorneys, do not believe on the referrals. Because, referrals may recommend you to some general practice lawyers who may have little experience handling bankruptcy cases. Once you get a competency bankruptcy lawyer, by all means, you should ask them how they will perform or how did they perform on their last bankruptcy cases and what was the outcome.  
Referrals from bankruptcy trustees or any of the legal practitioners will benefit you with some good links for the same. Some intensive research on how these attorneys talk to their clients inside a court and how their cases are resolved there, also help you having a close understanding on this front.
For any assistance on the same, please log on to:

How To Get a Legal Assistance In Case Of Fraud Insurance Company

It is quite natural for people to pay regular premiums for their insurance coverage that relates to their home, healthcare, automobiles or even their lives. This is because; they want to avert the odd situations in their lives when they arise. For instance, while encountering an unforeseen situation which may lead them to injuries costing them money, the insurance plans help them greatly by offering financial assistance to overcome the loss. Unfortunately, claiming insurance is a trouble some reality that may need some legal assistance.

The main issue that arises while claiming insurance is the vague language on the insurance agreement between insurer and the policy holder. This vague language allows insurance companies to play on it, if they want to avoid paying a claim. And this is the reasons that sometimes lead the policy holders to avail some personal loan or any easy payday loan to overcome their loss as they do not get any help from the insurance company.
If you are also facing the same problems with the insurance companies then we invoke you to take legal assistance in this regard. Actually, this is the right time to assert all your legal rights against these insurance companies to teach them about their conduct. Legal assistance form experienced Las Vegas personal injury attorneys help you exceedingly as they understand pros and cons of the insurance laws and regulations and know how to bring corporations of all size under the law.  

These lawyers are available on phone also for initial consultation and even accept critical cases too on a contingency fee basis.  

For further assistance, please log on to:

What A Bankruptcy Lawyer Can Do For You In Order To Deal With Your Loan Cases

If a financial disaster lead you to be declared as bankrupt, and the creditors are harassing you, you need to have legal advices from the Las Vegas lawyers. They are available on all six working days and can be contacted over the phone too for any legal advice in chapter 7 and chapter 13 bankruptcy cases.
Apart from this, you can get answers to all your queries from 24 hour bankruptcy information hot line, offered by these lawyers. Now, we can ask what these lawyers do to get us out of the situation. Simply, file a chapter 7and chapter 13 bankruptcy plan. In which, along with the aggressive legal representation, clients are offered court injunction, having a power to stop foreclosures, license suspension and repossessions. This injunction also helps in stopping the credit harassment.
Despite traditional debt consolidation loan program, a chapter 7 and chapter 13 bankruptcy plan helps those who had availed an easy car loan, or any instant auto loan and now are unable to repay the installments of their loan. Apart from car repayments, other critical issues that are dealt better through this plan are tax debt, child support arrears and mortgage arrears. This plan wins over the traditional one for more than one reason. This is the plan that provides maximum security to its clients such as the court orders to protect your interest best.
One among the most experienced US attorneys; these legal helpers help you in many ways. For instance, after being unable to repay auto refinancing loans or other easy finance loans, you give way to vehicle finance company to repossess your vehicle. Although, they are free to put the car on auction to reduce their loss, you are still responsible for the balance on the car if any. This is called deficiency balance. By filing a chapter 7 plan, legal helpers can not only eliminate your liability on entire deficiency balance but also remove the risk of lawsuits. Like wise, these legal advisors are responsible to take all the creditors calls, leaving you free off paying your creditor.
For getting a financial help, you can log on to:

Friday 5 August 2011

Chinese banks offer cheap yuan loans to finance more than $50-bn Indian orders for power equipment, pose threat to BHEL, L&T, Thermax

Chinese banks have offered yuan loans to finance more than $50 billion of power equipment for Indian firms at lower interest rates, giving a shot in the arm to credit-starved power companies but posing a serious threat to Indian suppliers such as BHEL and L&T.

Chinese lenders have approached the government for accepting renminbi as a currency for external commercial borrowing by Indian power firms. Private power firms said direct overseas borrowings are restricted to a few currencies such as the US and Australian dollars, yen and euro.

Indian power firms are strongly backing the Chinese move as they are struggling to finance projects after local interest rates rose to 13% from 9% in the past two years. Loans from Beijing would be available at least 200-300 basis points lower than rupee debt, making a substantial difference for projects as costs run into thousands of crores of rupees. 

Cheap Auto Finance

Modern Auto Financing offers auto financing and bad credit auto financing at cheap interest rates for people with all types of credit history. With auto finance drawn at cheaper rates, borrowers can substantially lower their budget on new and used auto loans. You get auto finance at higher rates and it is seen in the higher repayments that you have to pay every month. Apply now for great low rates on auto financing and bad credit auto financing programs.
Modern Auto Financing offers cheap auto finance at really cheap interest rates. Along with the cheaper rates and terms, Modern Auto Financing also tries to educate borrowers about the correct method of shopping for cheap auto finance.
Certain lenders often try to swindle borrowers because of their fixation on low rate of interest. Borrowers feel that they have done enough towards the cheap auto finance by arranging a low rate of interest. What they do not know is that these lenders will lower the interest rate and up the other charges, with the auto finance no more cheap.
To avoid this situation, loan experts at Modern Auto Financing state that borrowers must search in terms interest rates. Interest rate is the perfect figure for comparison, since it takes both rate of interest and other charges into account.

Wednesday 3 August 2011

Return and Risk of a Single Asset

The concept of Time Value of money says, and it is rational too, that a dollar (or whatever currency is relevant for you) received today is more valuable than receiving it tomorrow. We still find that a lot of people postpone current receipt in favor of a future one. We often commit our funds to one or the other investment. Why do we do that? Well, of course, we are expecting our money to grow with time and for that to happen, the sacrifice of current income that we make today, should provide us some reward in the future. We call this reward, return.

We all know that future is uncertain and though we would like to see everything proceeding as per plan, things do go awry often. The last couple of years are recent testimony to this. It means therefore, that whenever we invest our money in expectation of future returns, there is always a chance that those expectations can be belied. That is what is the risk involved with any investment, that is, the fact that our actual return can differ from our expected return is the risk. If the actual return turns out to be more than expected, we celebrate and if the reverse happens, we can be found moping.

Therefore, just as we can hope to earn a positive return on our investments, we must also be willing to take a chance that they might turn out to be negative.

We can refuse to take that chance and avoid investing. The good part of that is that our money remains safe but dead. Stagnant money is the bad part. If it does not grow, there is only one thing that can happen with it: it goes on losing value. If you have $100 today and you hide them under a mattress, you will find that a year later, their actual worth will be less than a $100.

It follows that our willingness to tolerate a certain degree of risk, translates into a possibility of earning a positive return and the more risk you can bear, the more return you expect to earn. Put differently, if you have to be persuaded to take on some risk, you are going to ask for a suitable return for it. Risk and return go hand in hand.

In this post, I am focusing on how to find out the return and risk if we invest in a single asset (which, of course is not as wise as investing in more than one asset). The videos below demonstrate this simple process. The first video deals with return and the second one deals with risk.

Tuesday 2 August 2011

super congress is taxation without representation

Preface: I am wholly non-partisan, and think that both Republicans and Democrats are missing the boat on the debt debate. Indeed, the Super Congress is a bipartisan idea, and thus both parties are equally to blame.

The top Democratic debt negotiators - President Obama and Senator Reid - as well as powerful Congressional leader Nancy Pelosi all said today that taxes may well be a part of the next phase of the debt package.

It would be one thing if Congress members and Senators who were accountable to the voters raised taxes which helped people.

But any tax increases enacted by the wholly-unaccountable "Super Congress" in order to fund (past and future) imperial wars of adventure and bailouts for the Wall Street fraudsters is taxation without representation.

This would especially be true if taxes hit the little guy, instead of the top .1% who have made out like bandits from the fraud-induced "great recession".

Market Down .... Look For Reasons

The classical reaction by pundits and so called experts... market move up or down, they need to find a reason for it. When you attach reasons to market movements - we have to bear in mind if its justified, yes there can be a lot of market moving macro factors such as liquidity, currency or interest rate outlook, somebody important said something, etc... but by and large most market relevant information are being factored into prices continually.

The Sarawak election ceramahs over the weekend got people hopping and yelping that thats why the market moved down. Ya lor, 1,000 odd attended BN's events while more than 10,000 attended the opposition's rallies. Errr ... what did you expect? I said many times over the past few weeks that Sarawak elections is going to turn heads. I am surprised that people who can read market trends cannot read the people's sentiment.

I already planned weeks back to be completely zero on stocks by this Thursday. Its a reality, politics tie itself with the stock markets closely. Its not a matter of whether you choose to believe, its a reality. It has to do with certainty or uncertainty. I am sure my readers know where I stand politically, no need to guess. Even if my portfolio get whacked a bit because of certain outcome, I will be a happier person.

Do not equate your losses or gains with what happens in the political arena. The former is a far greater cause and quest, markets will always be there. Hence while the Sarawak wave is underway, we also have the Invest Malaysia day thing. Having said all that, its not exactly a fine time to be overly long on local stocks. What would you be giving up by not investing for 2 weeks?

Having said all that, the market corrected today because of exhaustion more than anything else. The oil and gas counters looked tired, even MAA looked plump and immobolised - what that meant is that when certain people try to push some stocks, nobody is willing to follow, thats market exhaustion, either all were too long or long enough in the market already. If its not going up, all you have are sellers reducing their position.

Alex Lu commented in his blog: "Our market has entered into a correction, with FBM-KLCI pulling back towards the 10-day SMA line at 1546. If this line is violated, the next support would be the 20-day SMA line at 1535. This is the most severe correction since the market recovered from its 3 months' consolidation (from January to March). In that recovery, the FBM-KLCI rallied from a low of 1476 on March 15 to hit a high of 1565 on April 4. If the current correction leads to a retracement of 38% of the recent gain of 89 points, then the FBM-KLCI may decline to 1531. That's quite close to the 20-day SMA line. I think the 1530-1535 level would be the likely downside limit for the current correction."

Anyway, Sarawakians to the fore, the last elections the East Malaysians said to West Malaysians "hey, you didn't tell us you were going to do that!!!", now they know and the Sarawakians will lead the rest this time around. Over this weekend, things are going to go viral ... If any of you disagree with my political position, you can go fuck yourself (pardon my language but I cannot think of a better phrase, who in their right fucking mind would think otherwise??!!).

Of course, some of my readers will say, hey don't put yourself out there like that lah .... dangerous you know. Sometimes when you live, you need to stand for something, or else why bother living at all.

One 50-Miler down -- More To Come

I finished my 50 miler, and in fairly good shape, too. It took just about 3 hours 20 minutes, which is a bit more than I expected.

I'd hoped to take it easy for the first 30 miles or so, but there were a couple of hills (one at 5 miles, and another another at 17 1/2) that were pretty stiff. Since my heart rate was up to 160 by the top of each hill, I knew I was in for a long ride. Then, to add insult to injury, there was another hill at about 30 that felt like I was riding up a telephone pole for about 2-300 yards. Oh, what fun.

Ah well - next year I'll know to spend a lot more time working on hills beforehand (it's flat enough near Unknown University that I don't see a lot of hills unless I want to).

The legs aren't too bad right now, but I can tell tomorrow will be a real treat.

Next stop - a century!

MBSB Gets Traction

The speculation over the past few days were right on the mark. MBSB's spectacular performance in 1Q was largely ignored by most funds and investors. When mentioned the name MBSB, its as if its just a building society. What many did not fathom was that they were about the last few to tap into government servants lending.
As an exempt finance company, MBSB is allowed to undertake the financing business in the absence of a banking licence. Under the leadership of CEO Datuk Ahmad Zaini Othman, the company has since 2009 undertaken major reform. From being a traditional mortgage lender, MBSB has moved to a more dynamic platform offering more products, including retail and corporate loans.

The company has carved a niche in the provision of personal financing to civil servants. It can make direct salary deductions, having obtained the code from Angkatan Koperasi Kebangsaan Malaysia (Angkasa) in 2005. The total loans portfolio in this niche segment has grown in prominence, surging from 1% of MBSB's entire loan base in FY05 to 27.5% in FY10, while its personal loan base has more than quadrupled, from RM92.2 million to RM4 billion, in just five years.

Currently, MBSB has extended RM90 million in personal loans to civil servants through Angkasa, compared with an estimated total market worth RM143 billion, a gap which indicates a potential market of RM53 billion. We see huge potential for MBSB in leveraging the growth in personal financing for civil servants.

Its high impaired loans ratio due to legacy accounts originated from bridging and revolving loans extended to property development projects during the 1997 Asian financial crisis has been trending lower in the past few years. On a brighter note, these loans are collateralised by properties with an estimated market value of RM8.2 billion, which is adequate to cover the RM4.9 billion in gross impaired loans in FY10. Furthermore, MBSB has fulfilled the minimum risk-weighted capital ratio (RWCR) of 7% and achieved the internal target of 7% for core capital ratio (CCR), the minimum required under Basel III. Thus, the company's improved asset quality and capital buffer will firmly anchor its future growth.